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Menggali Makna "Kodak Moment" dalam Dunia Fotografi: Latar Belakang Hingga Dampaknya dalam Bisnis Foto dan Video

 Menggali Makna "Kodak Moment" dalam Dunia Fotografi: Dari Latar Belakang Hingga Dampaknya dalam Bisnis Foto dan Video.

Selain fujifilm dan berbagai merek film celluloid, begitu pula kamera untuk fotografi dan pembuatan film yang kita saksikan di layar bioskop, Kodak adalah salah satu perusahaan dan merek ternama yang pernah ada di dunia fotografi maupun film. 

Kodak juga pernah berjaya dalam produksi kamera, khususnya kamera analog. Meskipun disebutkan bahwa Kodak adalah "penemu" dari kamera digital yang kita kenal sekarang, namun Kodak "kalah" dalam persaingan yang sengit dengan Sony, Canon, Nikon dan sebagainya. Mungkin juga, Kodak tidak terlalu serius dalam mengembangkan kamera digital, karena belum terlalu yakin bahwa era kamera digital akan berkembang begitu pesat. 

Meskipun Kodak tidak lagi banyak diketahui dalam dunia fotografi, khususnya oleh generasi milenial dan generasi z, Kodak pasti sangat dikenal oleh para professional photographer senior dan pemerhati dunia fotografi. 

Yang menarik adalah munculnya istilah atau frase Kodak Moment. Yuk simak sejarah atau latar belakangnya. 


Kodak Moment, sebuah frase yang telah meresap ke dalam budaya populer, bukan sekadar istilah dalam dunia fotografi. Frase ini memiliki sejarah panjang dan mendalam, membawa kita kembali ke zaman film fotografi dan memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana teknologi dan tren dapat mengubah lanskap bisnis foto dan video.


Latar Belakang "Kodak Moment":

 Istilah "Kodak Moment" pertama kali muncul sebagai slogan untuk perusahaan fotografi ternama, Eastman Kodak Company. George Eastman, pendiri Kodak, memperkenalkan kamera amatir pertama yang menggunakan film gulungan pada tahun 1888. Melalui kampanye pemasaran yang cerdas, Kodak menciptakan citra bahwa setiap momen spesial, mulai dari peristiwa kecil hingga momen besar, seharusnya diabadikan dengan kamera mereka. "Kodak Moment" menjadi sinonim dengan momen-momen berharga yang patut diabadikan.

 Perubahan Paradigma:

 Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, terutama dengan perkembangan kamera digital dan ponsel pintar dengan kamera canggih, definisi "Kodak Moment" mengalami pergeseran. Awalnya merujuk pada momen yang diabadikan dengan kamera Kodak, istilah ini kini merangkum setiap momen yang diambil dengan kamera apa pun.


Dampak pada Bisnis Foto dan Video:

 Demokratisasi Fotografi: Pergeseran dari film fotografi ke kamera digital dan ponsel pintar telah membawa demokratisasi dalam dunia fotografi. Setiap orang sekarang memiliki kemampuan untuk mengabadikan momen-momen mereka tanpa batasan film dan biaya pengembangan.


Tantangan bagi Perusahaan Tradisional: Meskipun Kodak menjadi pelopor dalam industri fotografi, perusahaan ini menghadapi kesulitan saat industri bergerak menuju era digital. Kurangnya adaptasi terhadap perubahan ini menyebabkan Kodak mengalami tantangan ekonomi dan kehilangan dominasinya.


Peran Media Sosial: Fenomena "Kodak Moment" semakin diperkuat oleh media sosial, di mana orang berbagi dan mengabadikan momen mereka secara instan. Bisnis foto dan video yang berhasil adalah yang dapat memanfaatkan kebutuhan akan konten visual di platform media sosial.


Inovasi Teknologi: Perkembangan teknologi seperti kamera DSLR yang canggih, drone, dan peralatan video berkualitas tinggi telah membuka peluang baru dalam bisnis foto dan video. Profesional kreatif sekarang memiliki alat yang lebih canggih untuk menangkap dan menghasilkan konten yang menarik.


Pentingnya Visual dalam Pemasaran: Dengan peran yang semakin besar dari visual dalam pemasaran produk dan merek, bisnis foto dan video menjadi sangat relevan. Perusahaan yang dapat menyajikan produk mereka dengan cara yang estetis dan memikat memiliki keunggulan kompetitif.




"Kodak Moment" bukan lagi hanya tentang merek Kodak, tetapi telah menjadi simbol momen berharga yang dapat diabadikan melalui lensa kamera. Sementara perkembangan teknologi terus membentuk industri foto dan video, kebutuhan akan konten visual yang berkualitas tinggi tetap tinggi. 

Bagi bisnis di era ini, kemampuan untuk menangkap dan membagikan "Kodak Moment" secara kreatif dapat menjadi salah satu kunci kesuksesan dalam pemasaran dan membangun merek.

Capture the Kodak moment with the Nikon D6 in the New Normal era?

Amid the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, the competition between Nikon VS Canon has not changed. As with other manufacturers such as Olympus, Panasonic, Leica, or Sony, all camera companies also face a common enemy from smartphone companies. The camera feature is the main focus that you will definitely feel when you see new smartphone reviews, at least in the last five years. But true photographers don't seem to be affected, especially professional photographers, who are definitely more satisfied when using a "real" camera, whether it's a DSLR, mirrorless, or full-frame camera.

By the way, do you have a plan to buy a new camera while entering a new normal era? Maybe Nikon D6 can be a major consideration for you as a photography enthusiast.
Kodak moment, Nikon D6, Nikon review, New normal, Covid-19, Canon vs Nikon, photographer, photography, Nikon full frame, potrait, Full-frame camera, DSLR camera, new Nikon DSLR,
Nikon D6, the latest flagship camera in the New Normal era. (
At any moment, whether it's a political event or a music concert to an international sporting event, you need a digital camera that has the sharpest lens and the fastest speed, so that every moment you can capture with confidence. It seems like that is what the French official Nikon website describes for Nikon D6. The website also claims that the D6 adapts to all the demands of professionals looking for the perfect combination of precision and speed. Equipped with Nikon's most powerful AF system to date and offering fast image transfer in real-time, this full-frame DSLR captures important moments in beautiful shots.

You will discover a dedicated AF engine faster than ever. It includes 105 selectable cross sensors and has a high-density coverage 1.6 times that of the Nikon D5. The AF group area functionality offers more personalized settings for unparalleled tracking. The improved scene recognition system allows better acquisition of subjects. Thanks to the D6, you can anticipate and capture the action in many previously unseen ways.

Before you decide to buy the D6, you need to find out what are the benefits of this camera, which is definitely more expensive than ordinary DSLR cameras. As we understand, Nikon is Canon's eternal competitor, apparently, it has armed the D6 with several qualified technological features. This competition makes designers and engineers in this company have worked more seriously to win the competition with Canon, Sony, and other major cameras. If you are a true Nikon enthusiast, you will definitely be fascinated by the following features, but you also need to be fair to compare with other brands.

With the new Nikon D6, you can set the starting point for focusing when shooting in AF area mode. The information from the 105 AF points is used to locate and follow your subject, so you are free to focus on the framing.

If making portrait photos is your main focus, then the Nikon D6 seems to be the most suitable choice in this new normal era. This was explained very convincingly on the website that the D6 is the first digital SLR to allow focusing on the subject's eyes in automatic area AF or 3D tracking mode. This advanced feature will surely make the photographer and the models happy.
Kodak moment, Nikon D6, Nikon review, New normal, Covid-19, Canon vs Nikon, photographer, photography, Nikon full frame, potrait, Full-frame camera, DSLR camera, new Nikon DSLR,
Front and rear sightings of the new Nikon D6. (
Nikon also claims that D6 will provide exceptional image results in all conditions, tracking is incredibly precise, even in the most difficult lighting conditions. AF sensitivity down to -4.5 EV in the central AF point and -4 EV in all other points allows you to follow the action even if it continues into the night or low light condition.

If you are a photojournalist and especially focus on sporting events or when you hunt for photos into the wild, then you need a camera with qualified technology so that you do not lose precious moments, which you do not find again the next second, for sure. When the action is fast and you have only one chance to capture the shot, the D6 allows you to take advantage of the shooting sequences up to 14 fps with full AF / AE. Just for your information, that the redesigned camera mirror mechanism significantly reduces glare, resulting in a sharper and more stable viewfinder image.

If you look closely at some of Nikon's claims about the D6, photographers seem to have the courage to make the decision to choose this latest camera as the first choice. The competitors will work hard to improve their products. As users, photographers only hope that Nikon and Canon, and other manufacturers will sell their cameras at more reasonable prices in the New Normal era.
Kodak moment, Nikon D6, Nikon review, New normal, Covid-19, Canon vs Nikon, photographer, photography, Nikon full frame, potrait, Full-frame camera, DSLR camera, new Nikon DSLR,
Be sure to use a mask to make Kodak moments for your own safety. (
Their sincere understanding of the deteriorating economic situation will benefit one another, so the art of photography will remain alive, and continue in all conditions, both in bright and low-light. All of that is a recurring claim, which is always mentioned by camera manufacturers every time they launch a new camera.

Let's get ready to capture the Kodak moment on New Normal with renewed enthusiasm and optimism.

How do the photographers deal with the new normal?

The new normal will change the perspective of photographers and content creators, both in terms of creativity and in making money. COVID-19 has changed the old normal to the new normal. These are new tips for photographers to be able to change their attitudes and mindset, so they can optimize their sophisticated cameras to be more productive as a professional photographer. Look at the latest Greyhound film Tom Hanks, which has to be watched on Apple TV not in the cinema, as it was in normal old times.

Because of COVID-19 many changes must be faced by the global community. Almost all aspects of life are infected by Coronavirus. Photographers and content creators also face the same thing, which creates new anxiety in realizing the creation of images and videos, which also affects their economic lives.

Project delays and contracts that should have been worked on from March to today must also be experienced by photographers and content creators, who are generally accustomed to working outside the studio. It seems like all professions and businesses must be prepared to undergo the transition from the old normal to the new normal. 

How do the photographers deal with the new normal? 
New normal, photographer, Covid-19, Coronavirus, camera, YouTubers, Vlogger, Content Creator, videomakers, Tom Hanks, Greyhound movie, Apple TV, photography tips, make money
Greyhound, Tom Hanks' latest film cannot be watched in theaters.
 New Normal has changed the way to watch new movies? (

Photographers and content creators like YouTubers or Vloggers who are accustomed to outdoor activities must be in shock after the coronavirus spreads globally, so they are forced to stay at home. Indeed, not everyone is ready to work from home. The inspiration that usually arises spontaneously, seems to be sucked in by the sad atmosphere that always appears in the media because of the impact of the Coronavirus.

Among the photographers, there might be those who have achieved new success because they have gotten out of the box so they can be creative and work from home. Most of them are content creators, Vloggers or YouTubers, and photographers who have specific expertise.

They are not very dependent on outdoor work. A new situation for most people is not profitable, instead, they start to get new contracts worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. Independent content creators may get a lot of sudden inspiration, so their videos get a lot of new viewers and subscribers during this global pandemic.

Changing attitudes and mindset is a must. 

If many people and other professions have changed the perspective of the new normal that is bound to happen, the photographers are also able to do the same thing. It is time to change attitudes and especially the mindset about the art of photography in the new normal. Some of the old normal ones might still become a tradition, of course with a slightly different adaptation and creativity.
New normal, photographer, Covid-19, Coronavirus, camera, YouTubers, Vlogger, Content Creator, videomakers, Tom Hanks, Greyhound movie, Apple TV, photography tips, make money
The new style of a photographer in the new normal. (

Lockdown regulations in some countries have been relaxed. However, the way business is conducted might be different. The cinema was not yet operational when Covid-19 was confirmed to be entering the second wave, so there was a new Tom Hanks film that Apple TV had bought at a very high price. Now moviegoers will switch from the cinema room to the screen that they have such as a tablet, smartphone, or laptop.

This phenomenon is real and has begun to run slowly or even faster than we expect. That is why content creators, and especially photographers, who have been very proud of outdoor creativity have dared to change their mindset and attitude in creativity. Make sure, we have to start to get out of the box, which is still hanging out in the old normal.

Change is eternal, so the wise have said in normal times. Because of Covid-19 the change has taken place and is becoming more real and has happened now. 

For professional photographers, photography is not just an ordinary hobby during COVID-19 and thereafter. Most photographers must look for new opportunities, and that can be done with new collaborations, especially if we cannot do it alone.

The new collaboration is a must in the new normal. 

New opportunities and benefits can be achieved successfully if the attitude and mindset also adapt to the new normal. There are many old-style businesses, as well as jobs and other professions that have certainly moved in the new normal direction. Don't let yourself get lost for too long with your sophisticated camera in a normal time. The choice is yours.

DSLR vs prosumer and mirrorless camera. Discover Kodak moment in digital age?

While staying at home because of the threat of Covid-19 (Corona virus), you might think of starting a new hobby as a budding photographer. Even though you already have a smart phone with the best camera feature, but there is still turmoil in your heart because you are not satisfied with the results of still photos or videos. That's why you want to have a real camera.
Covid-19, Kodak moment, DSLR, mirroless camera, prosumer camera, video, professional photographer, analog camera, Bali, novice photographer,
Leonard Luares in Bali in the 1970s. This photo was taken with an analog film camera. Anyone want to feel the beauty of Kodak moments? (
You can immediately make a choice on certain camera brands you've heard before. Before making a decision, you must also understand that there are several types of cameras on the market or online stores.

Are you going to choose a DSLR camera, pocket camera, full frame camera or mirrorless camera?

Covid-19, Kodak moment, DSLR, mirroless camera, prosumer camera, video, professional photographer, analog camera, Bali, novice photographer,
Discover new Kodak moment in digital era? (

Don't worry, almost all of the famous camera brands have different types of cameras to choose from. Maybe you want to feel the nostalgia of your grandfather or parents, who have used analog cameras, who use films to capture their precious moments. Maybe you want to enjoy the atmosphere of the Kodak moment, which was felt by your seniors in the past.

Not just the price that you should think about before deciding on the type of camera and the brand will you take to hunting picture or make a video. When talking about hobbies or professions in the field of photography, then this consideration is also important for you to think about. Then you need to define your focus as a photographer.

Covid-19, Kodak moment, DSLR, mirroless camera, prosumer camera, video, professional photographer, analog camera, Bali, novice photographer,
DSLR VS. Mirrorless camera (
If you seriously want to be a professional photographer either as a hobby or your reasons for making money, just make sure you choose a DSLR or mirrorless camera. By choosing one of these types of cameras, you have the freedom to change lenses. Thus, you can choose the most suitable lens for your photography needs.

If you seriously want to be a professional photographer either as a hobby or your reasons for making money, just make sure you choose a DSLR or mirrorless camera. By choosing one of these types of cameras, you have the freedom to change lenses. Thus, you can choose the most suitable lens for your photography needs.

What must be known is that not always a pocket or prosumer camera will be cheaper than a DSLR camera or full frame camera, both on DSLR type and mirrorless cameras. You might be surprised that Canon, Sony and Nikon also produce pocket cameras or often referred to as point and shoot cameras, apparently some of them are sold at prices above 900 US dollars. There must be something special that requires pocket cameras to be sold at high prices, there are even certain types that cost more than DSLR camera. 

Well, from the various reviews about the confusion of novice photographers there were other considerations besides the issue of price and type of camera they would choose. Some finally decide on the camera with the consideration of not wanting to be burdened by the weight of the camera when they travel to various world tourist destinations.

They do not want to lose precious moments that are taking place so quickly while in traditional markets when holiday in Bali or Russia.

 Perhaps they also do not want to be bothered to change lenses either for use mirrorless camera or DSLR. That's why they finally chose a prosumer camera, or pocket camera with a super zoom lens.
Covid-19, Kodak moment, DSLR, mirroless camera, prosumer camera, video, professional photographer, analog camera, Bali, novice photographer, stay at home
Stay at home. Making video with a new camera? (

By the way, whatever camera you will choose to make great still photos or videos that you will upload to YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or other social media, make sure you consider your options from various perspectives. You know best what is your main focus and your expectations as a photographer.

If you know what your dreams are as a qualified photographer or filmmaker in the future, then you will know that money will come to you automatically. Seriousness and your loyalty as a photographer will prove the law of attraction is real could happen to you.

Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro with 6GB of RAM ready to compete with other premium smartphones

Samsung makes an interesting category in designing a smartphone for fans, as well as for those who are confused when looking for a new smartphone. You also familiar with the S series such as S7, S8 or the Galaxy Note or Galaxy A series. You need to consider the Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro. 

It turns out there are interesting surprises on the Galaxy C9 Pro, where you will be tempted with high RAM on this new mobile phone. Unlike the Galaxy A7 2017 that only armed with 3 of GB RAM, Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro is reinforced 6 GB of RAM. You will enjoy fantastic performance of this new smartphone.

Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro, Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro review, new Android smartphone, smartphone camera, selfie photo,
                                                                             Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro. Image:

After failing with the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, it looks like Samsung wants to restore the situation by launching C9 Pro, and of course the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+. Besides equipped with 6 GB RAM, the Galaxy C9 Pro has an edge as a premium smartphone with 6.0-inch Super AMOLED screen resolution of 1080 x1920 pixels, it also amplified using 2.5 D Gorilla Glass 4.
Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro, Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro review, new Android smartphone, smartphone camera, selfie photo,
Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro. Image:

This smartphone is equipped with Snapdragon 652 chipset, 64GB of internal memory, and battery with a capacity of 4000 mAh, so the Galaxy C9 Pro is ready to be used for various activities such as watching videos, make photos and videos, play games, photo or video editing, chatting, send data and other multitasking activity, much less has been supported by 6 GB of RAM.

The Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro specification is much higher than the C5 Galaxy or Galaxy C7, so it is more expensive, but more affordable when compared to Samsung Galaxy S8 or S8+. If you choose the C9 Pro as your latest gadget, then you will get a 16 megapixel camera, both on the back and on the front, so for fans selfie will surely get results similar photos with the rear camera.

The rear camera on the new smartphone is also fitted with technologies spoil you for phase detection autofocus, Dual LED flash Tone, Aperture F / 1.9, and Video: 2160p @ 30fps and 1080p @ 30fps. If you love making photographs or video, then all of these features will be very fun, especially if you use for a vacation to Bali   and other beautiful places in the world.

With the support of Qualcomm Snapdragon 653 chipset, combined with a processor Octa Core 64-Bit, and Adreno 510 graphics processing, you'll enjoy powerful performance when used to run HD games, and a variety of Android multitasking activity. For security, the Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro also equipped with fingerprint features, so that only you can unlock the data or view your documents, photos or videos on your smartphone.

The Galaxy C9 Pro has big internal memory with a capacity of 64 GB which can be expanded with external memory with microSD up to 256 GB. You can also install two SIM cards, and is also supported by the Android operating system Android Marshmallow 6.0.1. Hopefully you can upgrade to Android Nougat, the latest operating system of Android. 

There are those who insinuate that the appearance of the Galaxy C9 Pro is almost similar to the Oppo R9s Plus. To prove it, you would need to see it in person at the store your favorite smartphone. You can also compare the Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro with OnePlus 3T, Huawei P10 plus, Asus Zenfone 3 Deluxe, Vivo V5 Plus, and several other premium smartphones.

Are you ready to replace your current smartphone? 

OnePlus 3T ready to challenge the famous smartphones at attractive prices

Are you ready to replace your current smartphone with the latest OnePlus flagship? Now, you can get a new smartphone with high specifications as other well-known brands, but you do not have to pay too expensive. The Smartphone it seems like you'll find on OnePlus 3T.

The company claim that the OnePlus 3T delivers the best user experience.  The 3T is equipped with the latest hardware upgrades and carefully tested software enhancements. You will enjoy to watch video, play games, and other multitasking activities because OnePlus 3T is powered with Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 (2.35 GHz) and 6GB of RAM. You can save many photos, video, data or music in this smartphone because the 3T has 128 GB internal storage.

According to the the OnePlus 3 has a 5.5-inch screen, it’s barely wider than the LG G5 and a millimeter or so longer. It’s even thinner, too, and weighs 158 grams, which is nearly the same as the LG G5 and Samsung S7. The 3T also equipped with fingerprint sensor and there’s NFC in the OnePlus 3T, so the phone supports Android Pay.
OnePlus 3T, new Android smartphone, Qualcom snapdgradon 821, 16 Megapixels, dual SIM, 4G LTE, New OnePlus 3T specs
OnePlus 3T. Image:

For photography fans you will enjoy the 3T, you can capture the best selfie moment with a new 16 MP front camera allows you to capture every moment at every angle, and also a sharp and crisp 16 MP rear camera is sharp and crisp. 

The camera also enhance with noise reduction and improved stabilization technologies. It has an f/2.0 aperture, optical image stabilization (OIS), HDR, and a 1.28-inch sensor. You will enjoy more natural pictures, but still pleasingly vivid.

The OnePlus 3T is slim and minimalist. You will feel a real all-metal build and bold Gunmetal color. Carefully engineered using a premium space-grade aluminum alloy. This new smartphone has curved 2.5D Gorilla Glass 4 covers the screen, completing the slickly modern design. This smartphone is great for traveler because the 3T also has dual-Sim support, which means two mobile phone contracts and two numbers can be used at the same time in the same phone.

OnePlus 3T key specs:

Screen: 5.5in full HD AMOLED (401ppi)
Processor: quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 821
Operating system: Android 6.0.1 OxygenOS 3.5
Storage: 64 or 128GB
Camera: 16MP rear camera with OIS, 16MP front-facing camera
Connectivity: LTE, Dual-Sim, Wi-Fi, NFC, USB-C, Bluetooth 4.2 and GPS
Dimensions: 152.7 x 74.7 x 7.35 mm
Weight: 158g

The OnePlus 3T covers Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow in the OxygenOS user interface, modifying the operating system slightly from Google’s vision. The OnePlus 3T official website also claim that the 3T features the most refined version of Oxygen OS yet. It makes the most of Android’s core functionalities while adding a slew of customization options.By the way, the Snapdragon 821 from Qualcomm, which is used in other high-end Android smartphones including the Google Pixel XL.
OnePlus 3T, new Android smartphone, Qualcom snapdgradon 821, 16 Megapixels, dual SIM, 4G LTE, New OnePlus 3T specs
OnePlus 3T. Image:

If Samsung Galaxy S7 use super Amoled on the screen, the OnePlus 3T has a 5.5-inch Optic AMOLED screen with a 1,920 x 1,080 pixel resolution. 

The mentioned that according to OnePlus CEO Carl Pei, the Samsung-supplied screens feature a dual-polarizing layer that’s tuned for improved color temperature and contrast. On the OnePlus 3, it was always a pain to “tune” using the basic controls, but that’s changed on the OnePlus 3T. It looks amazing, and the true whites really shine through in a way that was difficult to achieve on the 3T.   

However, before you make a drastic decision to choose the OnePlus 3T as your new companion, you can consider review and opinion as mentioned below:

Pros: all-metal, great fingerprint sensor, good screen, fast charging, good cameras, excellent notification slider, dual-Sim with dual standby, cheaper than rivals
Cons: not quite as cheap as it once was, no removable battery, no expandable storage, slow charging from non-Dash charge power adapters, screen low res for VR, not yet running Nougat.

You may consider other flagship smartphone such as LG v20 with Android Nougat or other brand such as Samsung Galaxy A7 2017, Oppo F1S, Asus Zenfone 3 Deluxe, Vivo XPlay 6, and more. All you can do is adjust to your needs, the price is right with your current budget. Moreover, smartphone technology will be growing every minute, even without you knowing it because it's so fast.

Asus Zenfone 3 Max with Marshmallow, Octa-core Processor and Full-HD

If you're looking for an Android smartphone with a larger screen, you can choose the Asus Zenfone 3 Max 5.5 ZC553KL. This new smartphone comes with a wider screen than the Asus previous Zenfone 3 Max that released with a 5.2 inch screen. The Zenfone 3 Max has brilliant display even been supported by a fingerprint sensor, and it seems more appropriate because it is classed as a phablet is larger than a regular smartphone.

In addition to attractive screen, Asus Zenfone 3 Max is also supported by fast LTE connection, and also the latest Android operating system, Marshmallow. You will also enjoy a screen resolution of Full HD 1080 x 1920 pixels with a density of 401 ppi screen per inch, so the quality image of the displayed is quite clear and brilliant.
Asus Zenfone 3 Max, new Android smartphone, Android Marshmallow, Full HD video,
Asus Zenfone 3 Max. Image:

The Zenfone 3 Max also armed by Octa-core processor carried by Qualcomm chipset Snapdragom 430, which is capable of supporting the performance of this smartphone reliably and resposnif. You will enjoy the performance more smoothly, especially because it is reinforced with 3 GB of RAM, and available RAM 2 GB variants. 

This smartphone is able to have multitasking capabilities and powerful computing. While utuk graphics processor Asus Zenfone 3 Max 5.5 itself offers support Adreno 505 GPU with the graphics quality smooth and soft, so you can enjoy video or gaming with high performance.

As mentioned above, the Zenfone 3 Max reinforced with Android OS v6.0 with support Marshmallow ZenUI interface, and will look very cool. Not only that, this smartphone is also equipped with a sensor support fingeprint located on the body behind that serves as lockscreen. Asus Zenfone 3 Max 5.5 also offers the excellent audio with Sonic Master 2.0 technology support, and DTS HD and DTS Premium Surround Sound Headphone-X. Can you imagine the sound quality when you enjoy music, videos, especially if you use to play the latest games.

The Zenfone 3 Max is equipped with Dual SIM that can be used together. Besides this phablet also has support 4G LTE networks, 3G HSDPA and GSM 2G, with fast Internet access in speed HSPA, LTE until GPRS-EDGE. Multiple connectivity is also installed in the Asus Zenfone 3 Max 5.5, among others supported by Wi-Fi, Hotspot, GPS navigation, browser, and media data transfer Bluetooth, Infrared, microUSB and USB OTG. This facility will make you enjoy the quality of a premium smartphone.

Asus Zenfone latest 3 Max also spoil photography enthusiasts. There are two cameras on both sides. Pda body behind it there is a main camera with a resolution of 16 MP with support for features Dual LED Flash, Autofocus laser, PDAFS Ensor and many more, so as to provide clear pictures and brilliant. Besides the main camera, Asus Zenfone 3 Max 5.5 is capable of being used to record video with a resolution of Full HD 1080p @ 30fps. While the need selfie you will get an 8 megapixel front camera with clear results. In short, this smartphone can be compared with the Samsung Galaxy, Oppo, and various other recent smartphones.

Are you ready to replace your current smartphone now?

BlackBerry is ready to launch three Android smartphones

In the midst of various brands of smartphone competition Android, iOS or iPhone, even Windows Phone, it turns out the BlackBerry still has a passion for developing a new smartphone. No recent news, the Canadian company is preparing  new Android smartphones. Not just one, BlackBerry is preparing three devices simultaneously.

BlackBerry targeting the middle and premium market with the code name as follows: Neon, Argon and Mercury. Perhaps there will be suitable to use as a replacement for your current smartphone. Wow.

Among the three smartphones that will tempt you, BlackBerry Argon may be a flagship or premium class of BlackBerry any time soon. Why? Because Argon is rumored to have a 5.5 inch screen with QHD resolution, plus 4 GB RAM, 32 GB of internal storage capacity, and battery-powered 3000 mAh. BlackBerry Argon is also equipped with a 21 megapixel rear camera and 8-megapixel front camera. As with other premium class smartphone, the Argon is also equipped with finger print, which will protect your data from the interference of others. 
New BlackBerry smartphone, BlackBerry Neon, BlackBerry Mercury, BlackBerry Argon, BlackBerry Android, new Android smartphone,
New BlackBerry with Android OS. Image:

Meanwhile, you can still consider BlackBerry Neon, which seems to be what you get with a more reasonable price, but has features and high specification. BlackBerry Neon informed will be launched with a 5.2-inch screen with a resolution of Full HD, plus 3 GB RAM. Neon has a capacity of 16 GB of internal storage, and a powerful 2610 mAh battery. BlackBerry Neon also has a 13-megapixel rear camera and front camera 8 MP. The specs on this smartphone seems to be comfortable and fun to use for a variety of daily activities such as receiving and sending data, watch videos, make photos, even to make a photo selfie, or take pictures with close friends and family.

Uniquely, this phone does not have a physical keyboard that characterizes the Blackberry. You may already be familiar with a keyboard on your Android smartphone you're using at the moment, so the keyboard is not a big issue.

It turns out BlackBerry also noticed another niche market, ie those who do not like big screen and those who want a smartphone at an affordable price, but still can be used comfortably and equipped spefikasi interesting. That's why you might consider BlackBerry Mercury.

Mercury will be launched using a 4.5-inch touch screen, but with the comfort of a premium smartphone screen is Full HD. It seems very appropriate Mercury BlackBerry you choose, especially if you still miss the of physical keyboard of a BlackBerry. You will enjoy the nostalgia of physical Qwerty keyboard which is the typical BlackBerry. 

BlackBerry Mercury is powered by a Snapdragon chipset 625. Moreover, Mercury is reinforced with 3 GB of RAM, plus 32 GB of internal storage capacity, and a 3400 mAh battery. Which makes the BlackBerry Mercury more interesting because you get a rear camera with a high resolution, 18 megapixel. While in front of the camera you are afforded the luxury of 8 megapixels.

Would you consider trying one of these BlackBerry? Which may be forgotten by BlackBerry or Apple in which they were never designed smartphone with dual SIM, as you can find on other Android smartphones, especially those produced by Taiwan, Korea or China. Asian community prefer smartphone with dual SIM, since they use one SIM card for communication with family or close friends, and one for the new people and the interests of business or jobs.

Olympus Stylus TG-870 action and adventure camera with weather sealed body

 Are you ready for a real adventure?

Olympus already launch new Stylus TG-870 to replace the TG-860. This camera is great for extreme outdoor environments. The rugged Olympus TG-870 is waterproof down to 50 feet (15m), crushproof up to 220 pounds (100kgf), shockproof from 7 feet (2.1m), freezeproof down to 14° F (-10°C) and dustproof. Anyway, this camera also ideal for street photography, sports, landscape and daily photography such as to make great portrait.

This tough camera has 16 Megapixel BSI CMOS Sensor, ultra-wide 21-105mm equivalent 5x zoom lens with a maximum aperture range of f/3.5-5.7, and the optical image stabilization system designed to reduce blur due to camera shake. You also can create Full HD 1080p Video.
Olympus TG-870, Olympus Stylus TG-870, weather-sealed body, waterproof camera, Full HD video, outdoor camera
Olympus Stylus TG-870. Image:
If you choose the TG-870 as a new companion for adventure, you will get free Olympus Image Share app synchronizes a user’s iOS or Android mobile device with the Stylus Tough TG-870 via the camera’s built-in Wi-Fi, enabling instant image and movie transfers and direct uploading to websites and social media such as facefook, twitter or Instagram.

Olympus Stylus TG-870 key specs:

16MP - 1/2.3" BSI-CMOS Sensor
ISO 125 - 12800
21–105 mm F3.5 - F5.7 Zoom Lens
Optical Image Stabilization
3″ Tilting Screen
7.0 fps continuous shooting
1920 x 1080 video resolution
221g. 113 x 64 x 28 mm
Weather Sealed Body
Built-in Wireless
Built-in GPS

Olympus Stylus TG-870 is not just just great for extreme outdoor environments, you also can make many creative pictures. The TG-870 has wonderful variety of shooting modes and 13 Art Filters, Key Line, Watercolor, Light Tone, Cross Process and Gentle Sepia including 6 new filters and Vintage. All of them will help the user capture distinctive images.

The Stylus TG-870 is equipped with nighttime Live Composite Mode, which automatically combines the brightest areas of multiple images taken with interval shooting for dramatic photos of cityscapes, star trails and light painting.

You can make great pictures with the TG-870 also empowered with optical image stabilization system designed to reduce blur due to camera shake. Coupled to the lens is a 16-megapixel, 1/2.3-inch type, backside-illuminated CMOS image sensor paired with a TruePic VII-branded processor. The Stylus TG-870 has 21-105mm (35mm equiv.) f/3.5-5.7 zoom lens and super-bright 180° flip LCD monitor. Olympus claims that this camera it’s perfect for ultra-wide group selfie shots.
Olympus TG-870, Olympus Stylus TG-870, weather-sealed body, waterproof camera, Full HD video, outdoor camera
Olympus Stylus TG-870. Image:
The TG-870 is a tough outdoor camera, so you can bring this camera anywhere and anytime with original accessories. 

The TG-870's Sport Holder (CSCH-123) attaches to backpack straps or a chest harness, ideal for POV action videos. 

When needed, the camera can be easily taken out with a single hand, and because it comes with a spiral cord, there is no need to worry about the camera falling. The Underwater Case is ideal for deep dives (up to 147 ft / 45 m). Add a spare battery, a floating wrist strap and a protective case, and it's easy to take your TG-870 everywhere you want to go.

The new TG-870 is ideal for adventure around the world, because the camera also equipped with built-in the Next-Generation GPS with three satellite systems in under 10 seconds to quickly establish your position. Use the free Olympus Image Track app to tag photos with GPS data when sharing images via a smart device.

Samsung Galaxy S7 vs LG G5 another viewpoint

Breaking News: LG G5 is ready to compete with the Samsung Galaxy S7, even LG has ridiculed the Galaxy S7 on twitter. What is owned by the G5, so LG very bold to challenge the S7?

The presence of Samsung Galaxy S7 does not make LGS tremble, even this company has made a surprise by uploading posts mocking the Galaxy S7 on Twitter on February 23, 2016. As you can see in this photo, LG mocking words as follows: "Think not what your phone can do, but what you can do with your phone #LGG5 #G5TheRealDeal". The caption on the photo is a mockery for the Galaxy S7, which has an interesting motto, namely: "Think what your phone can do".
Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5, LG G5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5 specs, Android Marshmallow
LG G5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7. Image:

As well as the fierce competition between the Canon vs. Nikon, the Samsung not only compete with the iPhone or the Sony Xperia, but it will be a great battle between Samsung vs. LG, especially LG G5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7. So, what makes LG a very confident and brave head to head with Samsung? There must be something extraordinary on the LG G5 compared to the Galaxy S7.

Would you please consider carefully the photo at the top, where the image on Twitter, there is written the sentence: "LG G5 THE USE OF REAL 7". The letter S, and the number 7 deliberately aligned vertically, to re-quip the Galaxy S7, which only has two new accessories at MWC, the Gear VR and camera 360 degrees. Meanwhile, LG G5 really have 7 accessories claimed by LG as the superior features of the G5. Do you agree with that claim?
Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5, LG G5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5 specs, Android Marshmallow
LG G5. Image:

It is true that the design of the LG G5 changed radically compared to the predecessor, the G4. According to the, the G5 has an innovative modular build, letting you yank off its bottom section and replace it with add-ons like a second battery, a camera grip with physical photography controls or a Hi-Fi music player.

Additionally enriched with the standalone VR 360 VR headset and 360 Cam, was there anything that makes LG G5 is very unique compared to the Galaxy S7. According to, the G5 has a crazy robot that whizzes around the floor like a headless BB-8, designed to watch over the house when you’re out and  torment your cat. Wow.

 There are interesting things in both these great smartphone, namely from the aspect of the processor. If you will choose the Samsung Galaxy S7 as a new companion, then you should pay attention to this information, where if you buy the Galaxy 7 in the US, then you will get the S7 with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820, while for the Japanese version and Japan or other countries you will get octa-core Samsung Exynos 8990. 

Meanwhile, you will get the LG G5, which is run by a 64-bit Snapdragon 820 quad core 2.15Ghz worldwide. However, both have 4G RAM capacity, so you can do multi-tasking activities easily and smoothly.
If you are a fan of photography, then you also need to consider the presence of the camera on these smartphone. 
Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5, LG G5 vs Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5 specs, Android Marshmallow
Samsung Galaxy S7. Image: 

The Galaxy S7 has a great low light performance and improved focus speeds. The S7 is installed with a 12-megapixel rear camera, and a 5 MP rear camera. While the LG G5 is equipped with dual-lens 16 MP camera around the back. One of these lenses has a 135 mm wide angle view, enabling you to get more in your shot if needed. You can also take wide angle and standard shots simultaneously.

The G5 has an aperture of f / 1.8, while the S7 has a wider aperture, f / 1.7. Fatherly prove their prowess in the field of photography, you just have to try them, which are both operated by the Android 6.0 Marshmallow. You can get LG G5 in April 2016, while the Samsung's fans are definitely more excited, because the Galaxy S7 will be distributed on March 16, 2016.